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Starter code for the Duke project

Duke User Guide

Duke is a command line interface program capable of handling tasks such as Todo, Events and Deadlines. This User Guide will demonstrate the capabilities of Duke.

Running duke Duke

  1. Download the latest version of Java 11
  2. Navigate to path of Duke.jar file
  3. Run java -jar Duke.jar
  4. Duke will automatically save any tasks added into an output.txt file
  5. On start up, Duke will also load existing tasks from output.txt file
  6. To exit Duke, input bye command

Duke Task Types

Main Features

  1. Add different types of tasks
  2. List all tasks
  3. Mark task as done
  4. Find tasks from list
  5. Delete a task from list

Feature List

1.1. Add Todo task

Users are able to add todo tasks into Duke.


todo <description of todo task>

Example of usage:

todo buy bread

Expected outcome:


Got it! You’ve added a todo task:

[T][✘] buy bread

You now have 1 task in the list


1.2. Add Event task

Users are able to add events into Duke.


event <description of event> /at <date and time of event>

Example of usage:

event project meeting /at Monday 2pm

Expected outcome:


Got it! You’ve added an event task:

[E][✘] project meeting (at: Monday 2pm)

You now have 2 tasks in the list


1.3. Add Deadline task

Users are able to add deadline into Duke


deadline <description of deadline> /by <date and time of deadline>

Example of usage:

deadline CS2113T assignment /by Monday 12pm

Expected outcome:


Got it! You’ve added a deadline task:

[D][✘] CS2113T assignment (by: Monday 12pm)

You now have 3 tasks in the list


2. List all tasks

Users are able to view all tasks in their list



Example of usage:


Expected outcome:


Here are the tasks in your list:

  1. [T][✘] buy bread
  2. [E][✘] project meeting (at: Monday 2pm)
  3. [D][✘] CS2113T assignment (by: Monday 12pm)


3. Mark task as done

Users are able to mark a task in the list as done


done <index of task on list>

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:


Awesome! I’ve marked the following task as done:

[T][✓] buy bread


4. Find tasks

Users are able to find tasks in task list based on keywords.


find <keywords to search for>

Example of usage:

find bread

Expected outcome:


I’ve found the following tasks matching your search:

  1. [T][✓] buy bread


5. Delete task

Users are able to delete tasks in task list


delete <index of task to be deleted>

Example of Usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:


Got it! I’ve removed this task:

[T][✓] buy bread

You now have 2 tasks in the list
